Sunday, May 6, 2007

On being poor

Sometimes when I go on the internet (particularly on blogs such as this one or message boards), I hear people complain about being poor. On the internet.

Maybe I'm different, but it would seem to me that if you have clean and running water, food not purchased from a 7/11 with food stamps, electricity, shelter, a computer, and enough money to maintain an internet connection on that computer, and enough free time to go on the computer and bitch rather than working, you ain't poor.

Am I poor? No, I'm not. And I acknowledge that. Because I have, guess what, internet.

See, this is how spoiled America is. Just because someone can't afford Juicy means they're "poor" now.

Look, I don't know you. Maybe it really sucks to be you. Maybe you are having some financial troubles (you don't have to be poor to have financial troubles. Meet MC Hammer), I don't know. But unless you've spent a few days in the projects or in a tent city, don't talk about how poor you are.

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