Friday, May 25, 2007

Video Games

So I recently saw a commercial for the PS3. Now, for all three of you uninitiated out there, the PS3 is overpriced shit anyway.

But this was a different commercial. It had a picture of some guy alone in a room with a PS3 (I don't know about you, but if it were me I'd be masturbating at that point), playing some sort of baseball simulation that was so realistic that the guy was transported into some video-game baseball game, I guess to imply that this was THE most realistic baseball video game EVER.


Actually, wouldn't it be better to actually play baseball? You know how people used to do it, where they'd get some of their friends and bases and a stick and a ball and you'd actually physically run around and... actually, no electronics were required. Fancy that.

But, of course, I'm forgetting logic here. Why play baseball when you can play a nowhere-near as fun $500 simulacrum with none of the human interaction that goes along with baseball? Silly me. Silly, silly me. I mean, it's just common sense.

Is this really necessary? All this shit? See, this is why I don't own any video games or play any MMORPGS or go on MySpace. You need to look at the point of MySpace. And the point of MySpace is very similar to the point of bar-hopping.

Now, I understand when something does have a point or is a more efficient way of doing something. Email, for instance, is a more efficient way of sending mail, and I understand that. But you don't have to use technology just 'cause it's technology (Brave New World, anyone?) Seriously.

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