Saturday, January 20, 2007

Rant about my goddamn potential high schools

Alright, listen up, you elitist fuckwit schools:


There, I said it. All your ideas to make your school "different" blow like a saxophone player. EVERYBODY ELSE had the idea for having 80-minute-long periods or whatever the fuck. Get over yourselves. And, no, your schools are not diverse. They are WASPtastic and affluent, just like everybody else's. No, having Jews and Asians doesn't make you diverse, I'm sorry to say. And I don't really care for "race quotas", but if you're going to be all lily-white, you should at least come to terms with that and not put your entire school in denial. No, I don't mean advertise as neon white, but just try to avoid the topic in your goddamn brochures.

US: Not showing grades until junior year is a horrible idea. It doesn't eliminate stress, it puts it off until later, and it makes it worse because when you're a junior you have no fucking clue what you were doing in 9th grade.

At LHS: A monkey could pass that test. Honestly. Stop thinking you're so elite, because you're really not. You look elite because you have about 8 times as many people as everybody else. And if you have 875 goddamn people per grade, you're by odds going to have a few alumni who win Nobel prizes or something.

At UHS: Yeah, yeah, you have better matriculation than everybody else. Fuck off, we really don't care. The people who attend your school are so snobby that I'd rather be in the company of stupider people than spend four years with you blowhards.

L-W: You stole techniques and curriculum from everybody else.

BHS: No one on the fucking PLANET wants to get out of school two hours later. Jesucristo.

And no one else besides me undertstands this rant. That's fine. I have to protect my identity and location and whatnot. For further explanation: Where I live, you either apply to your high schools or you attend one of those places that are frequently featured on the news or in statistics of the craptacular public school system.

And all these places try to advertise themselves as "ooh, look how fucking spectacular we are, we're different from everybody else (but not really), we're nonconformists (but not really), we're tolerant of people who aren't the same as us (but not really)".

Fuck that. If you're going to suck balls in a certain area, that is what is known as a "weak point". One extremely bad idea is to present that weak point as your strong point. You don't see men going out presenting their balls to everyone going, "I fucking dare you to punch them, sissy-ass, 'cause it won't hurt." No. What they ask you to punch is their abs after ten thousand sit-ups.

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