This particular tract was dissected (and excellently, I might add) here, but I still want to rant about it. Or, rather, what it stands for.
Because this is the kind of shit I've seriously had it up to here with. I know a few people who don't believe in gay marriage, and, while I don't agree with them, I can generally tolerate that.
This fundie bullshit that activates intolerance and bigotry, however, simply will not do.
Just because your Holy Book says that buttfucking is a sin doesn't mean you get to go around treating people different than you like shit. I believe that Surah 109 wins this argument. (And, yes, I do realize that it's the Qu'ran and not the Bible, but it's still an awesome passage).
Seriously, Jesus' most important message was to love thy neighbor. Did Jesus necessarily agree with every single belief that the people who came to Him for help had? Probably not. That didn't stop Him from healing them, did it? And what about the story of the Good Samaritan? Weren't the Samaritans considered beneath everybody else, too? Or did I miss a story of Jesus's?
"Yea, and My Follower did stop at the sight of a man bleeding on the ground. And yea did My follower stop to helpeth him up, but then the stanger did sayeth, 'I thanketh thee, for thou art kind. Homophobes did beateth me up, for I know men as most men know women.' And My follower did calleth the man on the ground a biter of pillows and a packer of fudge, and then My follower did spend the duration of his Earthly life protesting the man's existence, preventething him from gaining employment, and shunning him in My name, as he should, for the man had been a fag."John 3:11
As far as I know, Jesus didn't teach anything of the sort. So what the hell is with all these goddamn people going around calling people "faggots", protesting their employment at Wal-Mart, sending them to anti-gay camp, and kicking them out of their house for being gay? Well, apparently if your holy book says it about three times in various ways open to interpretation, you're allowed to violate all concepts of morality in order to uphold it, right? It's absolutely okay to violate somebody else's rights if you think something they're doing that doesn't harm anybody else is wrong, because we all know that it's your will is superior to their will because you're Christian and they're amoral queers.
Fuck that. THEY'RE NOT HURTING YOU! As a matter of fact, they're not hurting anyone else, either. Yeah, you can disagree with them. Yeah, you can think it's immoral. I disagree with Republicans. Does that mean I'm going to kick my kid out of my house if he turns out to be a Republican? Does that mean I'm going to protest Republicans being hired at my local souless conglomerate? Does that mean I'm going to send my kid to be indoctrinated at "anti-Republican camp"? It sure as hell doesn't. I was under the impression that this was supposed to be a free country. But now we have Rob Reiner telling where we can and can't smoke. Now we have the FCC and RIAA and MPAA telling us what we can and can't say or show. Now we have all these goddamn "concerned mothers" trying to pull anything not G-rated from existence, telling us that we can't get a goddamn break from supressing our anger all day. Now we have fundies telling us what we can and can't stick in our vaginas/stick our cocks into and when we can and can't do it and how we can and can't do it in the privacy of our own homes.
And check out an example of this anti-gay crap:
Gee whiz, Mr. Chick, does that mean that I can say any derogatory word I want if I'm cute enough? Wow, why didn't I know about this earlier? All those years of being afraid of letting the C-word slip could have been forgone as long as I batted my eyelashes and made my voice high-pitched enough.
This kid later goes on to say "but my Dad says that it's wrong!" So apparently you get to mistreat other people as long as you do it in the name of righteousness. Screw that. If someone isn't harming anybody by what they're doing, you probably shouldn't be mistreating them. And, yes, there are a few exceptions, but they are far more likely to occur in a cliche action flick than in real life. And by calling people you don't even know a derogatory word, you are, in fact, mistreating them. And it's not righteous.
And, another thing. If your Holy Book says it, make sure it's in a valid part of your Holy Book. Leviticus is a religious text on crack. And don't give me that bullshit about Biblical Inerrancy. That's absolutely not possible. For example, it started with Adam and Eve, correct? And then they had Cain and Abel, correct?
Okay, so where the hell did the next generation come from? Cain killed Abel, and they were both male anyway. Is a woman just going to spring up from the ground whenever you need one, ripe for the fucking? The movie 40-year-old Virgin wouldn't have much of a premise, would it?
And another thing: "Converting" gay people is impossible. What you actually do is you make them repress it. It's been biologically proven. So don't think that just by "showing them the light of the Lord", you can make them
Look, you're within your rights to disagree with homosexuality. That doesn't mean you get to mistreat them. Because, think about it: what's worse, violating human rights or fucking a consenting person who happens to have the same sexual organs as you?
I'll end with this controversial quote:
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