My personal response was something along the lines of, "FUUUUUUCK ME!"
I have seen some bullcrap on the internet before, but this is a valid contender for the most unadulterated bullcrap ever.
What the hell did the people who started this shit expect to accomplish with it? Honestly. It's not going to turn any more people atheist, it's not going to make people any more accepting of atheists, it's not going to do anything except piss people off.
The people who are doing it seem to be under the impression that they're being badass and sticking it to the man. Yeah, that's really badass, using the anonymity of the internet as a tool to help you insult Christians on a level that would make most kindergarteners roll their eyes. And, no, they are not sticking it to anybody. Sticking it to the man would involve doing or saying something that has seldom been said or done before. And it may surprise you, but most Christians are well aware of what their place is on the blogosphere hierarchy. "LOLZ YOU MEEN THAT IF EVERYBODY ON THE GODAM INTERNETZ IS OBNOXIOUS TO XTIANS THAN THEYLL REALIZE THAT WE DONT LIKE THEM? OMGWTF." You are not the first goddamn person to go around assholishly trumpeting your atheism on the internet. No, it is not ballsy to proclaiming it anonymously. Ballsy would be doing it in the middle of an Evangelical congregation in the middle of the Bible Belt. No one can shoot you online.
And another thing. Most people seem to be all "OH, BUT THE CHRISTIANS ARE OPPRESSING US, AND WE'RE JUST RETALIATING!" Yeah, "retaliating". You honestly think it's retaliating to attack them in a place that they'd never in a million years go to, anyway? That's like trying to kill a man in New Jersy by firing a gun in Oregon.
Which brings me to my next point: what the hell is this supposed to even do? Well, I'll tell you what it doesn't do. It doesn't help the atheist cause in any way whatsoever. Let's just say you have some agnostic, or some religious person who's beginning to doubt their upbringing. So they, possibly, want to become atheist. But what do you think the first thing that will come to their mind regarding atheists will be? "A bunch of obnoxious teenagers who were Satanists last year and Wiccans the year before that"? Is that really the idea you want to send to people? And it's not just the people "converting" (if you will). It's also those with religions. You all claim to be doing this because of "persecution of religion (or lack thereof)". And so apparently it's going to help alleviate "religious" persecution by further perpetuating the stereotype that atheists are cocky and obnoxious? Fuck that.
To put it in simple terms, doing this shit is rude. Openly mocking somebody else's beliefs is, in fact, rude. "But" you may be saying "they mock our beliefs all the time, so it's only fair that we should be able to do it to them!" How old are you, four? "He started it, so I only teased him back! Nyeah nyeah nyeah!"
And it's not even that profound. It's not like it's the "Disprove Biblical Inerrancy and the concept of God" challenge. It's not the "Make a speech about the rights of nonbelievers" challenge. It's not the "Use logic to explain to religious people not to force their beliefs on the governement or others" challenge. No. The challenge doesn't ask you to do something beneficial to anyone. All the challenge asks you do to is deny the existence of the Holy Ghost. Good for you. Want a fucking cookie? You're not going to convert anybody.You're not actually disproving anything. You're just saying "this is my belief" without elaborating or supporting it at all. Hey, wait a minute, haven't some other types of people done that? But who, oh, who, could it have been who did that? Why, could it posssibly have been the people you hate?
And some people are saying that "It's not about putting down Christians, it's about standing up for atheists!" Bullshit. If it weren't about Christianity, why would you be doing something that is only forbidden in Christianity? If it's only about atheism, shouldn't you also be trying to slam YHWH or Allah or Ganesh? Wouldn't it just make more sense to slam the idea of God or a higher power in general?
If you're atheist, good for you. You have every right to be atheist. But that doesn't place you at some sort of plane above the religious people. And if you think so, you're absolutely no better than the people you were claiming to avoid. Being an elitist prick and treating other people as beneath you based solely on their beliefs sucks, no matter where you are. And, no, don't give me that crap about "but they base it on blind faith, and I'm basing it on science!" First an foremost, the concept of the Holy Ghost is pretty much unable to be disproven. So denying its existence is also based on faith, but a sort of anti-faith. And treating people as inferiors and mocking their beliefs, no matter what the context, is rude. And, in this case, absolutely pointless. Atheism is a belief. You have a right to it. But that's the thing. By doing this crap, you're sinking down to their level, and then sinking even lower by pretending that you're smarter than them. You didn't like it when they did it to you, so why the hell do you expect them to like it when you do it to them? So, what, you avoid Christianity only to happily oblige to somebody else's intolerance? What kind of hypocritical shit is that? You're not above the, so stop fuckng acting like it.
-This has been a message from NRP, an irritated agnostic.
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